Message from the President

Contributing to the Innovation in our Industry and Society with our Motion Control Technology

Since its founding in 1970, Harmonic Drive Systems, Inc. has achieved steady growth as a leading manufacturer of precision control speed reducers, contributing to various technological innovations throughout the world by providing motion control technology. We have positioned "Contributing to social and technological innovation through Motion Control Technology" as our unwavering mission. To meet our customers' expectations more than ever, we will all continue to work together to achieve this mission as a technology and skills-based organization in pursuit of Total Motion Control.

The Challenge of "Value Creation and Transformation"

In the "2024-2026 Mid-Term Business Plan," which began in FY 2024, we have reviewed materiality and further clarified the key issues to be addressed in order to realize our new long-term vision of "The best provider of total motion control in harmony with the future." We will sincerely address these key issues under the banner of "The Challenge of Value Creation and Transformation," and work to achieve the Mid-Term Business Plan.

Management Principles

Since our founding, we have lived by four Management Principles: "Respect for the Individual," "A Meaningful Company," "Coexistence and Co-prosperity," and "Contribution to Society." We will continue to take steps to realize these Management Principles and contribute to the further enhancement of the Group's corporate value and the development of a sustainable society.

We cordially ask for your further support as you look forward to the ongoing growth of Harmonic Drive Systems, Inc. in the future.

June 2024
President, Representative Director
Akira Maruyama

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