Charter of Corporate Behavior

Charter of Corporate Behavior

Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. is committed to pursuing profits by means of corporate activities based in fair and proper competition and to achieving harmony with society.

Basic Stance

  1. 1. Aware of our corporate responsibility to society, we pledge to act in accordance with laws, regulations, social norms, and corporate ethics.
  2. 2. We will provide employees with the opportunities and workplace environment for their self-realization and will support the demonstration of their abilities and self-motivated activities.
  3. 3. We will work to protect the global environment as members of the community, and will respect the culture and customs of society, and contribute to the development of society.
  4. 4. We will respect the human rights of everyone working in our company.
  5. 5. We endeavor to ensure that all the people working in the company understand and put into practice this Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. Code of Conduct.

Fair and Proper Conduct of Corporate Activities

  1. 6. We pledge to carry on transparent and fair business transactions and to observe export restrictions, the Antimonopoly Act, and all other laws and regulations relating to commerce.
  2. 7. We will strictly manage the corporate information obtained in the course of business and the personal information we hold, not using these for illicit gain. In the handling of this information we will manage and act so as not to cause harm to related parties including our company and individuals.
  3. 8. We will endeavor to manage and protect all kinds of intellectual property and respect intellectual property rights.
  4. 9. We will stand firm in our commitment never to compromise in any way with the demands of antisocial forces.

Risk Management and Crisis Readiness

  1. 10. We will always remain on the alert for risks that might occur in our business activities. Viewing as a crisis any situation, including natural disasters, having a major adverse effect on our corporate management, we will exert every effort to deal with these when they happen, placing the highest priority on respect for human life.
  2. 11. Everyone working in our company has the duty to report promptly and accurately any kind of information they learn that may lead to risk or crisis. Making use of exception reporting procedures as the situation demands, we will deal with each risk and crisis.
  3. 12. Everyone working in our company will, in dealing with a risk or crisis, act in compliance with the Risk Management: Code of Conduct in a Crisis prescribed separately.

June 21, 2013
Akira Nagai, President and CEO
Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

As part of our approach to Sustainability promotion, we have also drawn up Code of Conduct as a more specific statement of our Charter of Corporate Behavior, as well as a set of procedures to follow in a crisis, Risk Management: Code of Conduct in a Crisis.

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