Bookings and Sales by Segment

The HDS Group consists of eleven companies: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the Company), eight consolidated subsidiaries, and two affiliates accounted for by the equity method. The Group specializes in manufacturing and sales of precision speed reducers and mechatronics products that are application products of speed reducers.

Reportable Segments

The Group's principal markets are Japan (including Asia), North America, and Europe, and its production and sales structures are based on geographical segments. The Group has three reportable segments: Japan, North America, and Europe.

Consolidated Bookings by Segment
(million yen)
(million yen)
Consolidated Sales by Segment
(million yen)
(million yen)

(Reference) Bookings and Sales by Product

Bookings and sales for speed reducers and mechatronics products that are application products of speed reducers are indicated below.

Consolidated Bookings by Product
(million yen)
(million yen)
Consolidated Sales by Product
(million yen)
(million yen)

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