Intellectual Property

As a technology and skills team providing total motion control, the HDS Group constantly aims to create new value and provide products and services that win customer satisfaction and trust, thereby raising our superiority in the marketplace and increasing our corporate value.

Our management resources are therefore concentrated on R&D and on improving our manufacturing capability, so that we can continue to develop and market distinctive, high added-value products. We are also actively engaged in obtaining and protecting the rights to intellectual property created through these endeavors.
The HDS Group, by pursuing intellectual property strategies regarding the things and methodologies we create that are in line with our business strategies, in consultation with patent attorneys, lawyers and other experts, is committed to maintaining and improving the competitive advantage of our products and services in the near and long term.

At the same time, we conduct regular investigations and awareness efforts to ensure we will not infringe third party's intellectual property rights, and pay due attention to conducting fair business practices.

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