Directors & Executives


Chairperson of Board of Directors

Akira Nagai

Date of Birth : Mar. 26, 1948
Apr. 1972 Joined Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2002 Joined Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the "Company")
Apr. 2002 General Manager of Overseas Division, the Company
Jun. 2002 Chairperson and Director, HD Systems, Inc.
Jun. 2003 Executive Officer (Marketing and Sales), General Manager of Overseas Division, General Manager of Corporate Planning and IT Office, the Company
Dec. 2005 President and CEO, HD System, Inc. (incumbent)
Jun. 2007 Managing Executive Officer (Corporate Planning and IT), the Company
Apr. 2009 Managing Executive Officer (Corporate Planning and Finance), the Company
Jan. 2011 Corporate Auditor, Harmonic Drive Systems (Shanghai), Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2013 President and Representative Director, Executive President, the Company
May. 2015 Director, Harmonic AD, Inc. (incumbent)
Jun. 2016 President and Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer, In charge of Marketing and Sales, the Company
Dec. 2016 Manager, GK HD Management (incumbent)
Mar. 2017 Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Harmonic Drive AG
Jun. 2017 President and Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer, In charge of Marketing and Sales and Quality, the Company
Jun. 2019 President and Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer, In charge of Quality, the Company
Jan. 2020 Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Harmonic Drive SE (incumbent)
Jun. 2020 President and Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer, the Company
  Jun. 2024 Chairperson and Executive Officer, Group Management(incumbent)
(Representation of other companies)
  • President and CEO, HD Systems, Inc.
  • Manager, GK HD Management.
President and Representative Director

Akira Maruyama

Date of Birth : Jan. 8,1962
Apr. 1985 Joined Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the "Company")
Apr. 2007 General Manager of Marketing and Sales Division, the Company
Apr. 2009 General Manager of Marketing and Sales Division and General Manager of Sales Planning Department, the Company
Sep. 2009 General Manager of Engineering Department, Precision Equipment Divion, the Company
Sep. 2012 General Manager of Engineering Division, the Company
Jun. 2014 Executive Officer (Engineering), the Company
May. 2015 Director, HD Logistics, Inc.
Jun. 2016 Director and Executive Officer (Development Engineering), the Company
Jun. 2018 Director and Executive Officer (Corporate Planning and IT), the Company
Jun. 2019 Corporate Auditor, Winbel Co., Ltd
Jun. 2019 Director and Executive Officer, General Manager of Corporate Planning Division, the Company
Jun. 2021 Director and Executive Officer, General Manager of Corporate Planning and ICT Promotion
Jun. 2022 Representative Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of Corporate Planning Division and ICT Promotion Office, the Company
May. 2023 Director, Harmonic Winbel Inc. (incumbent)
Jun. 2024 President and Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer (incumbent)
Representative Director

Kazutoshi Kamijoh

Date of Birth : Jun. 9,1968
Apr. 1992 Joined Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the "Company")
Jul. 2007 Corporate Planning Manager of Corporate Planning and IT Office, and Administrative Manager, the Company
May. 2012 Corporate Auditor, Ome Iron Casting Co., Ltd.
May. 2013 Corporate Auditor, Harmonic Drive Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Jul. 2014 Executive Officer, In charge of Corporate Planning and Finance, the Company
Jun. 2016 Executive Officer, In charge of Corporate Planning, Finance and Accounting the Company
Mar. 2017 Manager, GK HD Management (incumbent)
Jun. 2019 Executive Officer, General Manager of Finance Accounting, Finance and Tax Division, the Company
Jun. 2020 Director and Executive Officer, General Manager of Finance Accounting, Finance and Tax Division, the Company
Jul. 2021 Member of the Supervisory Board, Harmonic Drive SE (incumbent)
Jun. 2022 Director and Executive Officer, In charge of Financial, Administration, Human Resource General Manager of Finance Accounting, Finance and Tax Division, the Company
Jun. 2023 Director and Executive Officer, General Manager of Finance Accounting, Finance and Tax Division, the Company
Jun. 2024 Senior Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of Finance Accounting, Finance and Tax Division (incumbent)
(Representation of other company)
  • Manager, GK HD Management

Yoshihiro Tanioka

Date of Birth : Sep. 21, 1958
Apr. 1982 Joined Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the "Company")
May. 2003 Manager of No.1 Development Department, Mechatronics Division, the Company
Mar. 2006 General Manager of Engineering Department, Mechatronics Division, the Company
May. 2007 Director, Winbel Co., Ltd
Oct. 2009 General Manager of Development Division, the Company
Jun. 2010 Exective Officer and General Manager of Development Division, the Company
Sep. 2011 Exective Officer(Engineering), the Company
Sep. 2012 Executive Officer and General Manager of Overseas Business Division, the company
Apr. 2015 Exective Officer, and General Manager of Sales Strategy Division, the Company
May. 2015 Representative Director and President, Harmonic AD, Inc.
May. 2015 Director of SAMICK ADM Co., Ltd.(incumbent)
May. 2017 Executive Officer in charge of Harmonic Planetary Development, the Company
May. 2018 Director, Harmonic AD, Inc.(incumbent)
Jun. 2018 Executive Officer (Development Engineering), the Company
Jun. 2019 Executive Officer, General Manager of Development and Engineering Division, the Company
Jun. 2021 Director and Executive Officer, General Manager of Development and Engineering Division, the Company (incumbent)

Naomi Shirasawa

Date of Birth : Nov. 2, 1960
Apr. 1983 Joined Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the "Company")
Apr. 1996 Manager of Engineering Department, Precision Equipment Division, the Company
Sep. 1998 General Manager in charge of Precision Equipment, Marketing Department, Marketing and Sales Division, the Company
Jul. 2001 General Manager of AccuDrive Division, the Company
Mar. 2003 Managing Director, Harmonic AD, Inc.
May. 2007 Representative Director and President, Harmonic AD, Inc.
Jun. 2010 Executive Officer and General Manager of AD Business Promotion Office, the Company
May. 2011 Senior Managing Director, Harmonic AD, Inc.
Jun. 2013 General Manager of Sales, Harmonic Drive Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Jul. 2016 Director, Harmonic Drive Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (incumbent)
Jun. 2018 General Manager of Overseas Sales Division, the Company
Jun. 2019 Director and General Manager of Domestic Sales Division, the Company
Jun. 2021 Executive Officer and General Manager of Domestic Sales Division, the Company
Jun. 2023 Executive Officer, In charge of Marketing and Sales, General Manager of Domestic Sales Division, the Company
Jun. 2024 Executive Officer, In Charge of Marketing and Sales; General Manager of Domestic Sales(incumbent)
Independent Outside Director

Haruhiko Yoshida

Date of Birth : Sep. 2, 1943
Apr. 1966 Joined Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Feb. 1996 Senior Executive Vice President, Mitsui & Co. (U.S.A.), Inc.
Apr. 1998 General Manager of Communications, Transportation & Industrial Project Unit, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Jun. 1998 Director and General Manager of Communications, Transportation & Industrial Project Unit, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2001 Representative Director, Executive Managing Director, and General Manager of Communications, Transportation & Industrial Project Unit, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2002 Executive Managing Officer and General Manager of Communications, Transportation & Industrial Project Unit, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Jul. 2002 Executive Managing Officer and Assistant to President of Machinery and Information Group, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2003 Outside Director, Nagano Keiki Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2003 Outside Director, Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the "Company").
Jun. 2006 Corporate Auditor, Hakudo Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2007 Outside Director, Hakudo Co., Ltd.
  • * Haruhiko Yoshida is an Outside Director as stipulated in Article 2, Item 15 of the Companies Act.
  • * Haruhiko Yoshida is designated as an Independent Director under the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Securities Exchange.
Independent Outside Director

Masanobu Nakamura

Date of Birth : Aug. 23, 1946
May. 1970 Joined The Sanwa Bank, Ltd. (present MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
Jun. 1999 Executive Officer and Nihonbashi Branch Manager, The Sanwa Bank, Ltd. (present MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
Apr. 2001 Executive Officer and New York Branch Manager, The Sanwa Bank, Ltd. (present MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
Jan. 2002 Managing Executive Officer and New York Branch Manager, UFJ Bank, Ltd. (present MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
May. 2002 Executive Operating Officer, Corporate Banking Company Director, UFJ Bank, Ltd. (present MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
May. 2004 Representative Director, Executive Operating Officer (Strategic Support Group), Company Director, UFJ Bank, Ltd. (present MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
Jun. 2005 Special Advisor, Sanshin Co., Ltd.
Oct. 2005 President and Representative Director, BNP Paribas (Japan)
Nov. 2005 Director, Tokyo Branch, BNP Paribas Securities (Japan) Ltd.
Jun. 2007 Board of Directors Advisory Committee, Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the "Company").
May. 2011 Chairperson, BNP Paribas Securities (Japan) Ltd.
Sep. 2011 Special Advisor, BNP Paribas Securities (Japan) Ltd.
Jun. 2013 Outside Director, the Company (incumbent)
Jul. 2013 Chairperson, Social Collaboration Council, The Mathematical Society of Japan

(Sanwa Bank and UFJ Bank have merged into the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ.)

  • * Masanobu Nakamura is an Outside Director as stipulated in Article 2, Item 15 of the Companies Act.
  • * Masanobu Nakamura is designated as an Independent Director under the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Securities Exchange.
Independent Outside Director

Yoshio Fukuda

Date of Birth : Mar. 1, 1953
Apr. 1976 Joined Teijin Limited.
Jul. 2006 Corporate Officer, Teijin Group
Member of the Board and General Manager of Raw Materials & Polymers Division, Teijin Fibers Ltd.
May. 2007 President, P.T. Teijin Indonesia Fiber Corporate Tbk
Jun. 2010 Corporate Officer and Member of the Board, General Manager of Corporate Planning Division, Teijin Limited
Jun. 2012 Executive Officer and Member of the Board, General Manager of Electronics Materials and Performance Polymer Products Business Group, and General Manager of Resin and Plastic Processing Business Unit, Teijin Limited
President, Teijin Chemicals Ltd.
Chairperson, Global Policy Board, Teijin DuPont Films Global Joint Venture
Jun. 2013 Senior Executive Officer and Member of the Board, General Manager of Electronics Materials and Performance Polymer Products Business Group, Teijin Limited
Chairperson, Global Policy Board, Teijin DuPont Films Global Joint Venture
Apr. 2015 Advisor, Member of the Board, Teijin Limited
Jun. 2015 Advisor, Teijin Limited.
Jun. 2016 Outside Director, Toyo Construction Co., Ltd. (incumbent)
Jun. 2017 Outside Corporate Auditor, Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.(the "Company")
Jun. 2017 Auditor, Japan Indonesia Association, Inc.(incumbent)
Jun. 2020 Outside Director, the Company (incumbent)
Jun. 2020 Director, Harmonic AD, Inc.
Mar. 2021 Auditor, Japan-Sri Lanka Association (incumbent)
  • * Yoshio Fukuda is an Outside Director as stipulated in Article 2, Item 15 of the Companies Act.
  • * Yoshio Fukuda is designated as an Independent Director under the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Securities Exchange.
Independent Outside Director

Kazuhiko Hayashi

Date of Birth : Apr.25, 1954
Apr. 1978 Joined Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. (present Toyota Motor Corporation) 
Jan. 2001 Project General Manager of Leading-edge Vehicle Development Planning Office, Toyota Motor Corporation 
Jan. 2004 General Manager of Electronics Engineering Div. II, Toyota Motor Corporation 
Jan. 2005 General Manager of Electronics Engineering Div. I, Toyota Motor Corporation 
Apr. 2007 General Manager of BR Control Software Development Office, Toyota Motor Corporation
Jan. 2010 Managing Executive Officer, Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd. 
Jan. 2012 Executive Officer of Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Managing Executive Officer of Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd., and Director of AutoNetworks Technologies, Ltd.  
Jun. 2015 Senior Managing Executive Officer of Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd., Executive Officer of Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., and Director of AutoNetworks Technologies, Ltd. 
Jul. 2019 Visiting Professor, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science 
 Jun. 2022  Outside Director, the Company (incumbent)
  • * Kazuhiko Hayashi is an Outside Director as stipulated in Article 2, Item 15 of the Companies Act.
  • * Kazuhiko Hayashi is designated as an Independent Director under the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Securities Exchange.
Independent Outside Director

Kaeko Kitamoto

Date of Birth : Apr.15, 1965
Apr. 1988 Joined Sapporo Breweries Limited
Oct. 1993 Joined Ota Showa Audit Corporation (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC)
Jul. 2009 Partner, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC
Sep. 2018 Member of Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (incumbent)
Jul. 2019 Executive Board Member, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC
Jul. 2023 Outside Director, the Company (incumbent)
Jul. 2023 Audit & Supervisory Board Member (external), DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. (incumbent)
  • * Kaeko Kitamoto is an Outside Director as stipulated in Article 2, Item 15 of the Companies Act.
  • * Kaeko Kitamoto is designated as an Independent Director under the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Securities Exchange.

Corporate Auditor

Member of Audit & Supervisory Board

Yoshitsugu Yokogoshi

Date of Birth : Nov. 16, 1953
Apr. 1977 Joined The Sanwa Bank, Ltd. (present MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
Apr. 1995 Yoyogi Branch Manager, The Sanwa Bank, Ltd. (present MUFG Bank,Ltd.)
May. 2005 Executive Officer, General Manager, Public Relations Department, UFJ Bank Ltd. (present MUFG Bank,Ltd.)
May. 2007 Managing Executive Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, Retail Banking Business Unit, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (present MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
Jan. 2009 Executive Vice President, Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co., Ltd. (present Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Management Co., Ltd.)
Jun. 2014 President, The Midori Kai Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2017 Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2020 Member of Audit & Supervisory Board, Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the "Company") (incumbent)
  • * Yoshitsugu Yokogoshi is an Corporate Auditor of HDSI under Article 2, Paragraph 16 of the Companies Act.
Member of Audit & Supervisory Board

   Hidefumi Iguchi

   Date of Birth : Apr. 5, 1959
Apr. 1983 Joined Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (the "Company")
May. 1999 General Manager of Quality Assurance Promotion Office, the Company 
Apr. 2009 General Manager of Operational Process Innovation Department, the Company 
May. 2013 Corporate Auditor, Harmonic Precision Inc. 
Jul. 2014 Executive Officer (Corporate Governance), General Manager of the Internal Control and Audit Office, the Company  
Jun. 2020 Executive Officer (Administration and Human Resource), General Manager of Administration and Human Resource and Manager of Environment 
Apr. 2022 Executive Officer, General Manager of Administration and Human Resource Division, Manager of Environment and General Manager of Health Promotion Center, the Company
 Jun. 2022  Member of Audit & Supervisory Board, the Company (incumbent)
Member of Audit & Supervisory Board

Eisaku Imazato

Date of Birth : Mar. 2, 1956
Apr. 1979 Joined The Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. (present SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.)
Mar. 2002 General Manager, Corporate Clients Department Ⅱ, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.
Mar. 2003 Executive Officer, General Manager, Tokyo Corporate Clients Department Ⅱ, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.
Dec. 2004 Director in charge of sales planning and corporate clients, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.
Feb. 2005 Executive Managing Director in charge of planning and wholesale business promotion, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.
Feb. 2007 Senior Managing Director in charge of Wholesale Sales Division Ⅰ, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.
Aug. 2008 Senior Executive Officer, Head of Institutional Client Coverage Division, Nikko Citigroup Limited
Feb. 2009 Managing Executive Officer, Co-Head of Corporate & Institutional Business Unit, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Co., Ltd.
May. 2010 Managing Executive Officer, Head of Corporate & Institutional Business Unit, Head of Corporate Clients Group, and Co-Manager of Regional Executives, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
Managing Executive Officer, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Holdings Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
Jun. 2012 Principal Executive Officer, Head of Corporate & Institutional Business Unit, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2016 Outside Director, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Marusan Securities Co., Ltd.
Mar. 2020 Outside Director, Marusan Securities Co., Ltd. (incumbent)
Jun. 2020 Outside Corporate Auditor, the Company (incumbent)
  • * Eisaku Imazato is an Corporate Auditor of HDSI under Article 2, Paragraph 16 of the Companies Act.
Member of Audit & Supervisory Board

Nobuyuki Higashi

Date of Birth : Mar. 31, 1964
Apr. 1987 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
Apr. 1998 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
Jul. 2000 Nomura Principal Finance Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2012 Managing Director of Investment Business Group, Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (currently Japan Investment Corporation)
Apr. 2017 Outside Director, JOLED Inc. (incumbent)
Apr. 2017 Outside Corporate Auditor, Harmonic Drive AG (currently Harmonic Drive SE)
Jun. 2017 External Director, Japan Display Inc. (retired in June 2018)
Sep. 2018 Executive Managing Director and Managing Director of Investment Business Group, INCJ, Ltd.
Mar. 2020 External Director, Japan Display Inc.
Jun. 2021 Senior Executive Managing Director and Managing Director of Investment Business Group, INCJ, Ltd. (incumbent)
Jun. 2024 Corporate Auditor, the Company(incumbent)

Executive Officers

Chairperson and Executive Officer
(Group Management)

Akira Nagai

President and Chief Executive Officer
(Chief Executive Officer)

Akira Maruyama

Senior Managing Executive Officer
(General Manager of Finance Accounting, Finance and Tax Division)

Kazutoshi Kamijoh

Managing Executive Officer
(General Manager of Supply Chain)

Minoru Asano

Executive Officer:
(In Charge of Public Relations)

Tetsuo Ikuta

Executive Fellow Officer
(Chief Technical Officer):
(In Charge of Engineering and Quality)

Yoshihide Kiyosawa

Executive Officer:
(General Manager of Development and Engineering)

Yoshihiro Tanioka

Executive Officer
(General Manager of Sales Administrative Division and Overseas Sales)

Michiya Yashiro

Executive Officer
(In Charge of Marketing and Sales; General Manager of Domestic Sales)

Naomi Shirasawa

Executive Officer:
(Head of Sustainability, Corporate Planning, and Investor Relations)

Makiko Ono

Executive Officer:
(In Charge of Production, Production Planning;General Manager of First Production Division)

Tsuyoshi Awaduhara

Executive Officer:
(General Manager of Production Technology)

Hiroki Hanaoka

Executive Officer:
(In Charge of Administration, Human Resource and Environmental Management Representative)

Osamu Asakura

Executive Officer:
(Chief of Harmonic Drive Laboratory)

Shizuka Yata

Executive Officer:
(General Manager of Corporate Planning; In Charge of Business Development)

Tetsuya Shiokawa

Board of Directors Advisory Committee

Board of Directors Advisory Committee

Satoru Watanabe

Date of Birth : Nov. 2, 1960
Apr. 1984 Joined the Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo Headquarters
Dec. 1999 Correspondent for Yomiuri Shimbun in London Bureau, General Bureau of Europe
Mar. 2003 Chief, International Division of Yomiuri Shimbun’s Editorial Department
Nov. 2005 Chief of Yomiuri Shimbun’s Geneva Bureau, General Bureau of Europe
Aug. 2007 Deputy Manager, International Division of Yomiuri Shimbun’s Editorial Department
Jun. 2009 Chief Researcher of Yomiuri Research Institute and Administration Manager of Yomiuri Research Institute
Apr. 2013 Visiting Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, Faculty of Law, the University of Tokyo
Jun. 2021 Board of Directors Advisory Committee of Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. (incumbent)
Board of Directors Advisory Committee

Aya Komaki

Date of Birth : Aug.16, 1959
Apr. 1983 Joined Sanrio Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2014 Adviser, Sanrio Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2015 Director, Sanrio Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Jul. 2016 Director of Sanrio Puroland (incumbent)
Jun. 2019 President and CEO, Sanrio Entertainment Co., Ltd. (incumbent)
May. 2021 Outside independent officer, Shochiku Co., Ltd. (incumbent)
Jul. 2022 Board of Directors Advisory Committee of Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.  (incumbent)

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