Basic Policy of Sustainability

Policy of Sustainability

With the aim of realizing a sustainable society and enhancing our corporate value over the medium term, we have formulated the following Basic Policy of Sustainability, which was approved by our Board of Directors on March 25, 2022.

Policy of Sustainability

As a technology and skills-based organization in pursuit of Total Motion Control, the HDSI Group aims to enhance corporate value and realize a sustainable society by contributing to technological innovation for the betterment of society. We intend to achieve these goals based on our management philosophy comprising four pillars: Respect for the individuals, be a meaningful company, coexistence and co-prosperity, and contribution to society.

Our path to sustainability

The HDS Group’s mission is to contribute to technological innovation through business in order to help solve various social issues and improve society.
In fulfilling this mission, we base our management philosophy on four pillars:
1) Respect for the individual, 2) a company with purpose, 3) coexistence and co-prosperity, and 4) contribution to society.
This management philosophy was created in early days of HDS and has been passed down from generation to generation as the corporate culture of the Group.

In 2020, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our founding.
Looking back at the HDS Group’s history, sales of reducers for industrial robots increased in the 1980s as robots were used for welding and painting on automobile production lines. Then, as IT became more widespread in the 1990s and beyond, sales of reducers for semiconductor production equipment and flat panel display (FPD) production equipment increased. Thus, a close relationship developed between technological innovation in society and the expansion of applications for the HDS Group’s products. Currently, many of our products are also being used in advanced medical care, collaborative robots, service robots, aerospace, and mobility applications.
In short, the HDS Group has grown as its products have been utilized in technological innovation aimed at solving the problems facing our society.

For this reason, we believe that our management philosophy is the foundation of our sustainability efforts, and that our corporate activities themselves contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Based on this management philosophy, we have established a Charter of Conduct, which sets forth the basic rules that all employees of the HDS Group must observe in order to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, conduct business ethically, and preserve harmony with various stakeholders, including employees and their families, customers, shareholders, investors, business partners, and local communities.

In addition to addressing environmental, social, and governance issues based on the implementation of our management philosophy and Charter of Conduct, we believe that the HDS Group’s sustainability hinges on contributing to the realization of a sustainable society by resolving social issues through the pursuit of “total motion control” through our business.

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