Fundamental Stance for Business Activities
The Group's fundamental stance for business activities is stated below:
- 1) We strive to enhance customer satisfaction and pursue profit through business activities grounded in fair and legal competition.
- 2) In executing business activities, everyone working at the Group recognizes the need to fulfill corporate social responsibility and observes laws and regulations and respects trade customs, social norms, and business ethics.
- 3) We respect the rights that our employees possess as individuals and endeavor to facilitate our employees' fulfillment of their cultural aspirations.
- 4) We do our utmost to achieve coexistence and co-prosperity with anyone involved with the Group.
Compliance Education

The Group provides various compliance education programs, centering on group training, to everyone working at the Group so as to enhance employees' understanding of compliance.
Everyone working at the Group is required to carry a pocket-size booklet that contains the Management Philosophy, the Charter of Corporate Behavior, the Code of Conduct, Crisis Management—Code of Conduct in the Event of Crisis.
Whistleblower System
The Group has established a Group-wide communication channel, which is independent of organizational interests and separate from the routine reporting line based on positions, in order to enhance the self-cleansing function by swiftly communicating any internal "bad news" to top management for appropriate treatment. The objective is to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and rules and maintain sound business activities, above the pursuit of economic efficiency, with a view to implementing the Management Philosophy.
If the Company receives a report or is consulted, the Company thoroughly investigates the matter and responds appropriately. In conducting the investigation, the Company gives due consideration to the method of investigation so that the whistleblower will not be identified. The Company guarantees protection of the position, personal information, etc. of a whistleblower.
Furthermore, when the Company investigates the contents of a report, not only are the reputation, honor, and privacy of the whistleblower protected, but also those of the people who cooperate with the investigation.
If the whistleblower wishes to remain anonymous, his/her anonymity is protected.

Prevention of Insider Trading
In order to prevent insider trading, the Company clearly specifies procedures for buying/selling the Company's stock and provides education on insider trading control to everyone working at the Group.
When an employee wishes to buy/sell the Company's stock, he/she is required to do so by the specified method within the specified period in accordance with the Company's Rules on Insider Trading Control.
Monitoring of Compliance Status
The Internal Control and Audit Office, for which the Executive Officer responsible for compliance is responsible, periodically inspects and audits the compliance status, and also maintains and improves compliance systems.
President's Management Review in which the President directly reviews the situation of operation execution by each Executive Officer twice a year includes a mechanism for the President to check the compliance status as well as maintenance and improvement of compliance systems.