

With the aim of realizing a sustainable society and enhancing our corporate value over the medium term, we have formulated the following Materiality from "Impact on social sustainability" and "Impact on our group business" sides

Materiality Key Measures  Applicable SDGs Targets
Create a rewarding work environment

・Create a safe, secure work environment
・Promote skill development
・Build a human resources system and work styles that promote diversity

Provide products and services that meet customer expectations
・Strengthen the quality system
・Provide products and services that respond to changes in the environment and diversifying needs
・Create new technologies and markets
Establish a stable procurement and supply system  
・Establish a system that can withstand fluctuations in production
・Formulate supply chain management
・Establish global production structure
Reduce environmental impact on the earth  
・Reduce greenhouse gas emissions 
・Utilize renewable energy
・Manage waste and hazardous material
 Establish a management foundation commensurate with the times  
・Promote sustainable management
・Adjust organization and management structure in line with market expectations
・Establish a financial base to support growth and strengthen fundraising

Process of Materiality identification

With the aim of realizing a sustainable society and enhancing our corporate value over the medium term, we have formulated the following Materiality.

In identifying Group issues, we referred to international frameworks such as the SASB Standards and the opinions of external stakeholders. 


We analyzed and evaluated the issues we identified from the perspectives of impact on social sustainability and on the Group's business, and mapped them onto a materiality matrix, with each as an axis of the matrix.


Identified in meetings attended by directors, auditors, and executive officers on May 17 2022.


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