Employee data

Employee data

The following are employee-related data for HDS on a non-consolidated basis.

Employee data for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021

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Title FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020
Number of employees (non-consolidated)
* Includes the annual average number of regular and temporary employees
285 people 296 people 310 People 349 People 371 People 406 People
Ratio of male to female employees (male employees : female employees) 84%:16% 82%:18% 80%:20% 80%:20% 80%:20% 81%:19%
Average length of service of regular employees 15.6 years 15.7 years 16.6 years 14.8 years 15.2 years 14.8 years
Number of new graduates 11 People 13 People 7 People 23 People 26 People 6 People
New graduate retention rate for FY2020 100%
Turnover rate of new graduates over three-year period 0.0% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0% 14.3% 4.3%
*The male/female ratio is calculated from the list of employees as of March 1 (no data available as of the end of March).
*The new graduate turnover rate is the turnover rate within three years for those who joined the company in April three years ago.

Reference: Number of consolidated employees as of March 31, 2021: 1,104

Male/female ratio of direct employees (excluding directors, auditors, advisory board members, etc.)

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Title FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020
Ratio of male to female employees
(male employees : female employees)

Overtime and Use of Work-Life Balance System

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Title FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020
Average overtime hours worked per month
*work outside of the 7.58 prescribed working hours and work on legal holidays
25.2 hours 27.4 hours 30.4 hours 20.0 hours 4.8 hours 15.1 hours
Average monthly overtime hours 20.3 hours 21.6 hours 25.2 hours 16.1 hours 3.8 hours 12.3 hours
Average amount of paid leave taken (days) 11.1 days 10.7 days 10.1 days 12.3days 12.9 days 13.2 days

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