Supply Chain

Sustainable Procurement Policy

With the aim of working together with our Group's suppliers to realize a sustainable society and enhance our corporate value, we have established the following Sustainable Procurement Policy, resolved at the Board of Directors meeting held on September 21, 2022. 
Sustainable Procurement Policy

1.Fair and Equitable Transactions

We make decisions related to procurement based on a comprehensive evaluation of the consistency of quality and other factors guided by our internal selection criteria, as well as the technical capabilities, supply capacity, service capabilities, and business conditions of our suppliers, founded on the concept of transactions being trades of equal value. Moreover, we consider our commitment to sustainability to be an essential factor.。

2.Compliance with Laws and Social Norms

We pledge compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate, and undertake procurement with high ethical standards and respect for international norms.

3.Respect for Human Rights and Work Environment

We respect the human rights of the countries and companies from which we procure, and will give due consideration to the work environment as well as health and safety.

4.Consideration for the Global Environment

We promote global, environmentally conscious procurement across the breadth of our supply chain in accordance with our environmental policy with the goal of realizing a sustainable society.

5.Coexistence and Co-Prosperity with Suppliers

As stated in Section III of our Management Philosophy, we believe that all of our business partners are important. As such, we are committed to constructing a system of cooperation based on trust to achieve mutual prosperity.。

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