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Read a message from Yoshihide Kiyosawa,Director, Executive Officer for Engineering and R&D, and learn about our R&D policies.
Learn about our R&D organization, cooperation among Group companies, and joint research with industry, government, and academia.
Find out about the HDS Group approach to technology and skills, our core technologies, the advancements in our technologies over the years, the I.K KAN research annex, and C. W. Musser, the father of the HarmonicDrive®.
Find out our basic thinking and strategies regarding the intellectual property newly created by our R&D and manufacturing.
Learn about the international symposium hosted by HDSI on the overall theme of "motion control," begun in 1991 on our 20th anniversary and held every five years since then.
See a list of the major highly coveted technology prizes we have received for our R&D activities.
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